Etymology and distribution of 郡谷.

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郡谷(こおりや / ぐんたに / ぐんや / こうや / こおりたに)さんの由来と分布



Kooriya 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamanashi-ken Minamikoma-gun Minobu-chou , Shizuoka-ken . Yamanashi-ken Minamikika-gun Minobu-chou Minoru , or from 1264 to 1275 (Long-term), it is written as "Satsuka", and in 1274 (11th year of Bunsei) the Nichiren of the monk of the Kamakura period Tell her that she gave it to me when I took a rest at home. It is unknown whether Satsuka exists. There was a case of giving a crown to those who presented "millet" in the famine during the famine.

2021年 7月 23日 更新

Guntani 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

斉江 Saie reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Gun'ya 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Fukuoka-ken , Aichi-ken , Toyama-ken . Estimated from the temple of the temple. Fukuoka-ken Itoshima-shi It was in Edo era in Minjo Fukae. It is said that it was also described as "domestic toes" in the same place. It is unknown whether the domestic toes exist.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Kouya 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kanagawa-ken Isehara-shi . 笹生 surname has surname. Chiba-ken Futtsu-shi Saeki was in the Edo period in the clan san samurai of the clan office.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Kooritani 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hyougo-ken , Wakayama-ken . Hyougo-ken Awaji-shi Murozu is a place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Hokkaidou(About 80)
2 Fukuoka-ken(About 70)
3 Toukyou-to(About 30)
4 Kagawa-ken(About 20)
4 Fukui-ken(About 20)
4 Kanagawa-ken(About 20)
7 Tochigi-ken(About 10)
7 Chiba-ken(About 10)
9 Aichi-ken(About 10)
9 Oosaka-fu(About 10)
PopulationAbout 300
Rank by city
1 Fukui-shi(About 20)
2 Takamatsu-shi(About 20)
2 Obihiro-shi(About 20)
4 Tagawa-shi(About 10)
4 Yukuhashi-shi(About 10)
4 Haga-gun Mashiko-machi(About 10)
4 Tokachishi-chou Shikaoi-chou(About 10)
8 Miyako-gun Miyako-machi(About 10)
8 Kitakyuushuu-shi Moji-ku(About 10)
8 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokuraminami-ku(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 栃木県 芳賀郡益子町 長堤(About 10)
2 香川県 高松市 川島東町(About 10)
2 北海道 帯広市 西十八条南(About 10)
2 福井県 福井市 順化(About 10)
2 東京都 板橋区 板橋(About 10)
2 東京都 豊島区 目白(About 10)
2 福岡県 行橋市 西泉(About 10)
2 福岡県 田川市 伊加利(About 10)


If you know the etymology of 郡谷, please give us information!

Similar names:

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About 166,100
, Kouya 【神谷】レベル6
About 79,200
, Kouya 【古谷】レベル6
About 50,600
, Kouya 【高谷】レベル6
About 20,500
, Kouya 【高屋】レベル5
About 5,000
, Kouya 【甲谷】レベル4
About 1,800
, Kouya 【荒野】レベル4
About 1,600
, Kouya 【幸谷】レベル4
About 500
, Kouya 【神屋】レベル4
About 500
, Kouya 【光家】レベル3
About 300
, Kouya 【国府谷】レベル3
About 110
, Kouya 【香谷】レベル3
About 90
, Kouya 【幸屋】レベル3
About 70
, Kouya 【粉家】レベル2
About 40
, Kouya 【講屋】レベル2
About 30
, Kouya 【幸弥】レベル2
About 20
, Kouya 【孝谷】レベル2
About 10
, Kouya 【興谷】レベル2
About 10
, Kouya 【國府谷】レベル2
About 10
, Kouya 【鴻矢】レベル1
Very rare
, Kouya 【侯家】レベル1
Very rare
, Gouya 【合屋】レベル4
About 1,100
, Gouya 【郷家】レベル4
About 1,100
, Gouya 【強矢】レベル4
About 1,000
, Gouya 【合谷】レベル4
About 700
, Gouya 【江谷】レベル4
About 500
, Gouya 【郷谷】レベル3
About 150
, Gouya 【剛家】レベル2
About 40
, Gouya 【合家】レベル2
About 30
, Gouya 【郷矢】レベル2
About 20
, Kooritani 【氷谷】レベル3
About 50


Guntani 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
, Gun'ya 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
, Kouya 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
, Kooritani 【郡谷】レベル3
About 300
are referenced.


max: 151 / 月