Kakizaki 【蛎崎】レベル4
About 800
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
金山 reference.
2020年 4月 17日 更新
金山 reference.
① Hiroshima-ken Mihara-shi Originated from Koharu Kaneiya in the upper district of Hongo-cho.
※ Okayama-ken There was a name of Seno Kanayasu (Saeno · Kaneyasu) in the warrior of the Heian period who died in the vicinity of Kibitsu in Kita-ku, Okayama-shi. Okayama-ken Ibara-shi Mr. Senoo who is distributed in Shimochi, Shimochi- cho in Inagi-machi tells that he is the descendant of Kanako Senoo. 妹尾 reference.
② Men's name is cumulative. Ishikawa-ken Kahoku-gun There is a distribution in the Tsubata-machi lagoon . Kenbo at Ishikawa-ken .
Whole Japan | Prefectures | |
レベル | 4 |
1 Hokkaidou(About 500) 2 Aomori-ken(About 200) 3 Toukyou-to(About 40) 4 Kanagawa-ken(About 30) 5 Saitama-ken(About 20) 6 Shizuoka-ken(About 10) 6 Nagasaki-ken(About 10) 6 Aichi-ken(About 10) 6 Hiroshima-ken(About 10) 6 Toyama-ken(About 10) |
Population | About 800 | |
Ranking | 9,075 |
Rank by city |
1 Aomori-shi(About 100) 2 Hiyamashi-chou Kaminokuni-chou(About 60) 3 Higashitsugaru-gun Sotogahama-machi(About 40) 3 Tomakomai-shi(About 40) 5 Hakodate-shi(About 30) 6 Souyashi-chou Rishirifuji-chou(About 30) 6 Hokuto-shi(About 30) 8 Higashitsugaru-gun Hiranai-machi(About 20) 8 Muroran-shi(About 20) 8 Kamikawashi-chou Bifuka-chou(About 20) |
Rank by subregion |
1 北海道 檜山郡上ノ国町 中須田(About 40) 2 青森県 東津軽郡外ヶ浜町 本町(About 30) 3 北海道 稚内市 宗谷村富磯(About 20) 4 北海道 北斗市 茂辺地(About 10) 4 北海道 利尻郡利尻富士町 鴛泊栄(About 10) 4 北海道 函館市 昭和(About 10) 4 青森県 東津軽郡平内町 稲生稲生(About 10) 8 北海道 礼文郡礼文町 香深差閉(About 10) 8 東京都 世田谷区 三軒茶屋(About 10) 8 北海道 瀬棚郡今金町 今金(About 10) |