Etymology and distribution of 縄舟.

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Nawafune 【縄舟】レベル2
About 40
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Gunma-ken .

Convention . Abbreviation for Sato. The first element comes from Sato's "Fuji". In Gunma-ken Kiryuu-shi , he tells that he changed his name from Sato's family name in southern part of Chiba-ken (formerly Awa) and came to 1470 (2nd year of civilization). Gunma-ken Kiryuu-shi Ueida Town's small figure on Fujio (Fuju) is estimated from the person's name. Gunma - ken Kiryuu - shi In Umeda town there is a transmission with Mr. Fujiwara 's descendant. Gunma-ken Midori-shi Omama-cho at Kirihara tells that he came from Goyma -ken Fujiozawa (Fujiozawa), a small shrine of Shinkawa, Kiryu City. Estimated from tradition is a warring country era. Tochigi-ken Ashikaga-shi In Toyoshin-cho, I tell you that I came from Niigata-ken in the Edo period. 佐藤 Satou reference. 藤原 Fujiwara reference.

Abstract . Abbreviation of Fujiwara. The first element comes from "Fujiwara" in Fujiwara. "Fuji" is used because Shinran of the founder of Jodo Shinshu is a monk in the Kamakura period and tells Mr. Shinran Fujiwara's descendant. Kumamoto-ken Kamimashiki-gun Mifune-machi Meiji New surname by monk of Chang'an temple of Jodo Shin Buddhism in Takagi. 藤原 Fujiwara reference.

Okayama-ken Mimasaka-shi birth of Fujio. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Fukuoka-ken Yanagawa-shi Mihashi Town Fujiyoshi was a place name with a record since the Edo period. Tell the place name from Mr. Fujiyoshi's person's name. It is distributed in the same place. 藤吉 Fujiyoshi reference.

2019年 2月 14日 更新

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Nawafune 【縄船】レベル3
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