Etymology and distribution of 生魚.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

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生魚(いきうお / いきお / なまうお)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Ikiuo 【生魚】レベル3
About 140
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Fukui-ken , Mie-ken , Hyougo-ken .

① variant of 伊坂 . Mie-ken Kameyama-shi Honmaru-cho was the Ise Kameyama samurai of the Clan government office, Hyougo-ken Tanba-shi Kashiwabara-cho Kashiwabara was in the Edo period in the Kashiwabara clan of the clan office.

Korean type . Terrain . A variant of 伊坂 . Aichi-ken Nagoya-shi There is a record of naturalization on September 19, 1977 in Showa-ku. The real name is Yoon. In reference.

2022年 7月 25日 更新

Ikio 【生魚】レベル3
About 140
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Ehime-ken , Kagoshima-ken · Miyagi-ken . Terrain . From the place of residence and slope. Ehime-ken Uwajima-shi Marunouchi was in the Edo period in the Uwajima clan in the Clan Office. The same clan says that it changed from Yamada surname at 1729 (Kyoro 14 years). 山田 Yamada reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Namauo 【生魚】レベル3
About 140
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Aomori-ken Towada-shi .

Aomori-ken Towada-shi birthplace of Fukao Fukasawa. Tell him that he used "Fukasawa" in Fukasawahei and "mouth" because it is located at the entrance.

Iwate-ken Iwate-gun Kuzumaki-machi Originated from Fukasawa of the Jikei 's underwear. From the entrance in the same place.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

If you know the etymology of 生魚, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Kumamoto-ken(About 70)
2 Tochigi-ken(About 20)
3 Fukuoka-ken(About 10)
4 Toukyou-to(About 10)
4 Chiba-ken(About 10)
6 Kagoshima-ken(Very rare)
6 Kanagawa-ken(Very rare)
6 Nara-ken(Very rare)
6 Oosaka-fu(Very rare)
6 Mie-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 140
Rank by city
1 Minamata-shi(About 70)
2 Utsunomiya-shi(About 10)
2 Nasukarasuyama-shi(About 10)
4 Kitakyuushuu-shi Wakamatsu-ku(Very rare)
4 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokurakita-ku(Very rare)
4 Oomuta-shi(Very rare)
4 Nabari-shi(Very rare)
4 Kawasaki-shi Nakahara-ku(Very rare)
4 Ashikita-gun Tsunagi-machi(Very rare)
4 Adachi-ku(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 熊本県 水俣市 八幡町(About 20)
2 熊本県 水俣市 八ノ窪町(About 10)
2 熊本県 水俣市 南福寺(About 10)
2 栃木県 那須烏山市 下境(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Minamata-shi , Ashikita-gun Tsunagi-machi

Similar names:

Ikio 【壱岐尾】レベル3
About 80
, Ikio 【壹岐尾】レベル1
Very rare


Ikio 【生魚】レベル3
About 140
, Namauo 【生魚】レベル3
About 140
are referenced.


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