Etymology and distribution of 永地.

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永地(ながち / えいじ / えいち / ながとち)さんの由来と分布



Nagachi 【永地】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Iwate-ken Morioka-shi . 平野 surname available. 平野 Hirano reference.

2021年 10月 27日 更新

Eiji 【永地】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Chiba-ken , Kanagawa-ken , Toukyou-to .

Ibaraki-ken Moriya-shi Birth of a big tree. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Yamanashi-ken Nishiyatsushiro-gun Ichikawamisato-chou Originated from the large trees of Kurosawa's underwear. A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

Mie-ken Inabe-gun Touin-chou Birth of a big tree. The name of a place with a record in the notation of "big tomb" in the North-South morning era. "Grave Tomb" is a typographical error of "Daichi" in another notation.

Fukuoka-ken Miyama-shi Seiseki Town Ohiroen (originally Oki) birthplace. A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

Nara-ken Shiki-gun Tawaramoto-chou Birth of big tree (Ogi). Place name with a record since the North / South morning era.

Chiba-ken Yachimata-shi Birth of Oki (Ogi). A place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.

things . Iwate-ken Toono-shi tells it from a big bush tree.

Korea system . Chiba-ken Sanbu-gun There is a record of naturalization on October 2, 1963 at Yokoshibahikari-machi (formerly Kochi-gun, Town Machi). The real name is Zhu. Shu reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Eichi 【永地】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

大牛 Ooushi reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Nagatochi 【永地】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kumamoto-ken Kikuchi-shi . There is a transmission that Mr. Umezu gave beautiful surname from Yoritomo of warrior of the Heian period · Kamakura period. There was beauty in the name of Saga-ken · Nagasaki-ken (old: Hizen country) noh actor. 梅津 Umedzu reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Yamaguchi-ken(About 40)
2 Hiroshima-ken(About 30)
2 Hokkaidou(About 30)
4 Ibaraki-ken(About 30)
5 Kanagawa-ken(About 10)
6 Shiga-ken(About 10)
7 Kouchi-ken(Very rare)
7 Shizuoka-ken(Very rare)
7 Toukyou-to(Very rare)
7 Oosaka-fu(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 200
Rank by city
1 Yamaguchi-shi(About 30)
2 Fuchuu-shi(About 20)
3 Kasama-shi(About 10)
3 Muroran-shi(About 10)
5 Shimonoseki-shi(Very rare)
5 Hadano-shi(Very rare)
5 Yokohama-shi Isogo-ku(Very rare)
5 Yokohama-shi Midori-ku(Very rare)
5 Kusatsu-shi(Very rare)
5 Oumihachiman-shi(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 広島県 府中市 小塚(About 20)
1 山口県 山口市 大内長野(About 20)
3 北海道 室蘭市 日の出町(About 10)
3 山口県 山口市 大内御堀(About 10)
3 茨城県 笠間市 笠間(About 10)


If you know the etymology of 永地, please give us information!

Similar names:

Eishi 【江石】レベル2
About 20
, Eiji 【永治】レベル3
About 200
, Eiji 【栄次】レベル2
About 30
, Eiji 【栄治】レベル2
About 10
, Eiji 【榮次】レベル2
About 10
, Nagachi 【長地】レベル3
About 70


Eiji 【永地】レベル3
About 200
, Eichi 【永地】レベル3
About 200
, Nagatochi 【永地】レベル3
About 200
are referenced.


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