Etymology and distribution of 氷見.

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氷見(ひみ / ひょうみ)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Himi 【氷見】レベル4
About 1,500
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Wakayama-ken , Oosaka-fu , Kagawa-ken .

Tokushima-ken Tokushima-shi birth originated in Takara-cho (formerly Miyai). Place name with a record as "Miya" in the Muromachi era. Wakayama-Ken Hidaka-Gun Inami-Chou in the Shimada Ehime-Ken Oozu-Shi to surrender to Mori said to Mr. Utsunomiya was the lord of Ozu Castle of 1570 from 1558 (Eiroku year) Tokushima-Ken was referred to in the Tell them. Later residing via Hiroshima-ken Hiroshima-shi , Wakayama-ken Arida-shi Miyahara-cho. 宇都宮 Utsunomiya reference.

Hyougo-ken Toyooka-shi Miyai's origin. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

③ In Ooita-ken Usa-shi Matsuzaki tell Ooita-ken Usa-shi raised the flowers that are provided for Usa Shrine of South Usa.

Miyagi-ken Kesen'numa-shi was in the Edo period. Iwate-ken Kitakami-shi tells Miyagi-ken Kesen'numa-shi from Miyai village of Kyouto-fu . Period, location unknown.

Topography . From the shrine and the place to draw water. Oosaka-fu Oosaka-shi In Sonezaki Kita-ku we tell you that in Okayama-ken we gave thanks to the shrine for the mid-Edo period.

2021年 12月 10日 更新

Hyoumi 【氷見】レベル4
About 1,500
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Gifu-ken Takayama-shi . 宮腰 variant of. 宮腰 Miyakoshi reference.

2018年 1月 7日 更新

If you know the etymology of 氷見, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Toyama-ken(About 500)
2 Hokkaidou(About 200)
3 Ishikawa-ken(About 130)
4 Toukyou-to(About 100)
5 Kanagawa-ken(About 80)
6 Shizuoka-ken(About 70)
7 Oosaka-fu(About 70)
8 Chiba-ken(About 60)
9 Aichi-ken(About 50)
9 Saitama-ken(About 50)
PopulationAbout 1,500
Rank by city
1 Toyama-shi(About 200)
2 Kanazawa-shi(About 90)
3 Takaoka-shi(About 70)
4 Shizuoka-shi(About 60)
5 Shimoniikawa-gun Asahi-machi(About 60)
6 Imizu-shi(About 50)
7 Namerikawa-shi(About 50)
8 Kyouto-shi Fushimi-ku(About 20)
8 Kouchi-shi(About 20)
8 Hakodate-shi(About 20)
Rank by subregion
1 富山県 下新川郡朝日町 泊(About 30)
2 富山県 富山市 広田(About 30)
3 富山県 富山市 長岡(About 20)
4 静岡県 静岡市 大谷(About 10)
4 富山県 下新川郡朝日町 沼保(About 10)
4 富山県 富山市 芝園町(About 10)
4 富山県 小矢部市 津沢(About 10)
4 石川県 金沢市 東山(About 10)
9 静岡県 静岡市 羽鳥(About 10)
9 京都府 宇治市 木幡南山(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Shimoniikawa-gun Asahi-machi , Shiribeshishi-chou Kamoenai-mura , Namerikawa-shi , Tokachishi-chou Shimizu-chou , Shiribeshishi-chou Kyouwa-chou , Hidakashi-chou Erimo-chou

Similar names:

Himi 【日美】レベル3
About 200
, Himi 【日見】レベル2
About 30
, Himi 【飛見】レベル2
About 10
, Himi 【比見】レベル2
About 10


Hibi 【日比】レベル5
About 10,200
are variants.

Himi 【日美】レベル3
About 200
, Himi 【日見】レベル2
About 30
, Himi 【飛見】レベル2
About 10
, Himi 【比見】レベル2
About 10

Hyoumi 【氷見】レベル4
About 1,500
are referenced.


max: 346 / 月