Etymology and distribution of 春本.

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Harumoto 【春本】レベル4
About 1,900
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hiroshima-ken , Oosaka-fu , Hyougo-ken .

Topography . Heteromorphism . Mie-ken Watarai-gun Tamaki-chou Tamaru tells us that he is from across the base of Mr. Kitaya who was at the same place. Estimated in the Warring States Period. Shizuoka-ken Shizuoka-shi It was in the Sengokuyama Town for Suruga Ward during the Warring States Period. Iwate - ken Kunohe - gun Tells you to go in from Kunohe - mura across the street. Meiji New Last name in estimation. From the Mukai gate of the gate division system that was in the Edo era. An example of the location of the gate. Kagoshima-ken Kagoshima-shi Yoshino-cho, Kagoshima-ken Kimotsuki-gun Kimotsuki-chou Shinnito.

Oosaka-fu Sakai-shi Originated from Kitakyō- ku, Sakai- ku (formerly Mukai). Place name with a record since the North / South morning era. The place name was also written as "direction". Gunma-ken Takasaki-shi Oosaka-fu in Yoshii-cho Salt formula to be taken from Mukai Township of the southwestern part (formerly Izumi-kuni).

Oosaka-fu Toyono-chun Toyono-chou Originated from Mukai of Yoshikawa's small character.

Kagoshima-ken Satsumasendai-shi Origin of Mukoda town. Place name with a record since the North / South morning era. Use Mukuda's "direction". I will tell you that the last name was also written as "Mike". 向江 Mukae reference.

Mie-ken Owase-shi Originated from Mukai. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Nagasaki-ken Isahaya-shi Originated from Mukai House of Iyo- mura's old story.

向居 irregular shape. Nagano-ken Kiso-machi In Misake it is said that he changed his family name from Takeei's surname and changed his name further. Estimated in the Edo period. 武居 Takei reference.

things . "Well" is added to the direction that it is the surname of Amagi archipelago of Kagoshima-ken . Kagoshima-ken Ooshima-gun Uken-son In a blind doll tells that he was renamed when returning to Japan in 1953.

向伊 of the profile. Okinawa-ken Ishigaki-shi changed around 1940.

Ainu system . Originated from Hokkaidou Hidakashi-chou Urakawa-chou (Muko Betsu). In the Edo period the name of the place with the notation of "Mukobetsu" recorded. Use "direction" of impression. The Ainu language Mo Ko Pe is meaning "quiet, hollow, river".

Yamaguchi-ken Hagi-shi Horiuchi was in the Edo period in the Choshu clan of the clan office. Tell the same clan from Mukai of Aichi-ken eastern part (formerly Mikawa country). Location unknown.

向江 variant of. In Miyazaki-ken there was a passage that changed from Megumi's surname. Unknown times. 向江 Mukae reference.

2022年 1月 25日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Fukuoka-ken(About 600)
2 Hyougo-ken(About 300)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 200)
4 Nagasaki-ken(About 90)
5 Toukyou-to(About 80)
6 Ishikawa-ken(About 70)
7 Chiba-ken(About 60)
8 Kumamoto-ken(About 50)
9 Kanagawa-ken(About 50)
9 Aichi-ken(About 50)
PopulationAbout 1,900
Rank by city
1 Tagawa-gun Aka-mura(About 200)
2 Tagawa-gun Kawara-machi(About 70)
3 Yukuhashi-shi(About 60)
4 Kashima-gun Nakanoto-machi(About 50)
5 Miki-shi(About 40)
6 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokurakita-ku(About 40)
6 Tagawa-shi(About 40)
6 Sayou-gun Sayou-chou(About 40)
9 Oosaka-shi Tsurumi-ku(About 30)
10 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokuraminami-ku(About 30)
Rank by subregion
1 福岡県 田川郡赤村 内田小内田(About 100)
2 福岡県 田川郡香春町 中津原(About 50)
3 福岡県 田川郡赤村 内田(About 50)
4 兵庫県 佐用郡佐用町 末廣(About 30)
4 兵庫県 三木市 福井(About 30)
6 大阪府 大阪市鶴見区 放出東(About 30)
7 福岡県 北九州市小倉北区 下到津(About 20)
7 長崎県 平戸市 船木町(About 20)
7 石川県 鹿島郡中能登町 金丸又の(About 20)
10 高知県 土佐市 宇佐町井尻(About 10)


If you know the etymology of 春本, please give us information!

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