Shinshiki 【新敷】レベル3
About 150
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kagoshima-ken Shibushi-shi · Miyazaki-ken · Hyougo-ken . Terrain . A variant of 谷ノ上 . Kagoshima-ken Shibushi -shi Shibushi-machi There is a distribution in comfort.
2021年 8月 31日 更新
Arashiki 【新敷】レベル3
About 150
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Tochigi-ken Kanuma-shi , Tochigi-ken Utsunomiya-shi . Aichi-ken birthplace of Anjo city. Place name with a record since the North / South morning era. Tochigi-ken Kanuma-shi In Aishi- ken Anjou-shi Anjou town, the castle owner of Anseong castle who was in Tochigi-ken Nikkou-shi came to 1576 (Tensho 4 years) in the age of warring States To tell. Toukyou-to Chiyoda-ku Chiyoda was in the Edo era as the shogunate of the Edo shogunate of the government agency. There is a tradition to the shogunate. Tochigi-ken Utsunomiya-shi There is a tale that it was renamed from Anno surname in Arai-cho. 安野 reference.
2017年 10月 15日 更新