Ushirooka 【後岡】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
栄村 reference.
栄村 reference.
Hyougo-ken Amagasaki-shi · Kanagawa-ken . It was in the Edo period in Nagasaki-ken Nagasaki-shi .
Kagoshima-ken Satsumasendai-shi , Chiba-ken . Terrain . 津之浦 of the profile. Kagoshima-ken Satsumasendai-shi Distributed in Tengchi- cho.
Kagoshima-ken Soo-shi · Toukyou-to . Terrain . From the transfer and the river. Kagoshima-ken Soo-shi There is a distribution in Tiba- cho Minamata.
Kumamoto-ken . Kumamoto-ken Yatsushiro-shi Origin of Toa- cho Kawamata. A place name with a record since the Edo period. Use "Kata" of Kawamata. It is distributed in the same place.
Whole Japan | Prefectures | |
レベル | 3 |
1 Nara-ken(About 90) 2 Oosaka-fu(About 60) 3 Mie-ken(About 30) 4 Aichi-ken(About 30) 5 Wakayama-ken(About 30) 6 Hiroshima-ken(About 10) 7 Kanagawa-ken(About 10) 8 Fukuoka-ken(Very rare) 8 Chiba-ken(Very rare) 8 Hyougo-ken(Very rare) |
Population | About 300 | |
Ranking | 17,711 |
Rank by city |
1 Yoshino-gun Kamikitayama-mura(About 20) 2 Izumi-shi(About 20) 2 Minamimuro-gun Kihou-chou(About 20) 2 Shinguu-shi(About 20) 5 Yoshino-gun Shimokitayama-mura(About 10) 5 Kumano-shi(About 10) 5 Kashihara-shi(About 10) 8 Yokohama-shi Hodogaya-ku(About 10) 8 Sakurai-shi(About 10) 8 Uda-shi(About 10) |
Rank by subregion |
1 奈良県 吉野郡上北山村 河合(About 20) 2 三重県 南牟婁郡紀宝町 成川(About 10) 3 大阪府 和泉市 富秋町(About 10) 3 三重県 熊野市 有馬町(About 10) 3 和歌山県 新宮市 船町(About 10) 3 奈良県 吉野郡下北山村 上池原(About 10) 3 愛知県 名古屋市天白区 福池(About 10) 3 神奈川県 横浜市保土ケ谷区 峰沢町(About 10) |
Ushirooka 【後呂岡】レベル2
About 30 are variants.
Atooka 【後岡】レベル3
About 300, Setooka 【後岡】レベル3
About 300, Sedooka 【後岡】レベル3
About 300, Nochioka 【後岡】レベル3
About 300 are referenced.