Zako 【座古】レベル3
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Saitama-ken , Toukyou-to , Kanagawa-ken .
① Creation . In the Heian era there was a designation of Mr. Shindo. The meaning of "Mr. Fujiwara who became a new judge". 藤原 reference. Saitama-ken Fukaya-shi was in Muromachi era. Chiba-ken Minamibousou-shi In Chikura-cho Hakuzu it is said that Mr. Saito called. 斎藤 reference. Good neighbor . Nara - ken Kitakatsuragi - gun Kanmaki - chou Kamaki is based.
② In Toyama-ken Tonami-shi Kojima told me that Suzuki who used the shop of Shinya -kuya shops Meiji Shin surname . Toyama-ken Tonami-shi There is a new residence in the forest of the forest. 鈴木 reference.
2023年 8月 27日 更新