Etymology and distribution of 川原.

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川原(かわはら / かわら)さんの由来と分布



Kawahara 【川原】レベル6
About 56,400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamaguchi-ken , Oosaka-fu .

Topography . Tottori-ken Tottori-shi Kawaramachi Sado's Tsunami Ward Takamori On the shrine's priestly owner from the imperial family emperor of the Yayoi period emperor Kei Emperor says that he built the country in the same place. Ishikawa-ken Kaga-shi Carpentry in the same place in Daisuke Temple Fujita-machi tells that the Ishikawa-ken Kaga-shi Daishoji Hachimanto became a clan of the Daishoji in the Clan government and was called around 1800 (Kankei 12 years). Good neighbor . Tottori-ken Yazu-gun Chidzu-chou There is a distribution in Chizu.

Korean type . Creation . Because all the state cities of Jeonbuk Province, Korea, South Korea, Lee Mr. Lee issued the king of Lee Mr. Korea and became "national book". Hiroshima-ken Toyota-gun Oosakikamijima-chou (formerly Nakano village in Toyoda gun) There is a record of naturalization on November 26, 1953. The real name is Li. Lee is the mainstream for the real name. Ri reference.

Creation . "Book" was added to the country which is the surname of Amagi archipelago of Kagoshima-ken . Kagoshima-ken Amami-shi There is a tradition in Naze Daiki Okuma. Estimated at the time of returning to Japan in 1953. Kuni reference.

2022年 7月 31日 更新

Kawara 【川原】レベル6
About 56,400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Nagasaki-ken , Yamanashi-ken , Hiroshima-ken .

Topography . Variant of 窪川 . Nagasaki - ken Sasebo - shi Distributed in Yoshii - cho Fukui. There is Kubo no upper in the lower story of the same place. Nagasaki - ken Matsuura - shi Distributed in Hashika - cho Mutsuke. There is Kubo in the small story in the same place. Nagasaki-ken Hirado-shi The rocky town was in the Edo era in the Hirado clan of the clan office.

② variant of 窪川 . Yamanashi - ken Yamanashi - shi In Engoshara he tells that he changed his name from Kuboku family name in 1589 (Heisei 17 years). It is unknown whether Kubokawa exists.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル6 1 Fukuoka-ken(About 6,100)
2 Kagoshima-ken(About 4,700)
3 Nagasaki-ken(About 3,700)
4 Oosaka-fu(About 3,700)
5 Hokkaidou(About 3,500)
6 Toukyou-to(About 2,400)
7 Saga-ken(About 2,400)
8 Aichi-ken(About 2,300)
9 Hyougo-ken(About 2,300)
10 Kanagawa-ken(About 2,000)
PopulationAbout 56,400
Rank by city
1 Kagoshima-shi(About 1,700)
2 Nagasaki-shi(About 1,500)
3 Kurume-shi(About 900)
4 Miyoshi-gun Higashimiyoshi-chou(About 700)
5 Minamikyuushuu-shi(About 600)
6 Isahaya-shi(About 600)
7 Takamatsu-shi(About 600)
8 Sasebo-shi(About 600)
9 Imari-shi(About 500)
10 Takaoka-shi(About 500)
Rank by subregion
1 徳島県 三好郡東みよし町 加茂(About 300)
2 鹿児島県 南九州市 本別府(About 300)
3 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 下福元町(About 200)
4 長崎県 諫早市 御手水町(About 150)
5 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 瀬々串(About 140)
5 滋賀県 蒲生郡日野町 安部居(About 140)
7 福岡県 直方市 下新入(About 140)
8 新潟県 糸魚川市 寺町(About 130)
9 福岡県 遠賀郡岡垣町 吉木(About 120)
10 佐賀県 唐津市 平山上(About 110)


If you know the etymology of 川原, please give us information!

Similar names:

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, Kawara 【河原】レベル6
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, Kawara 【川良】レベル4
About 800
, Kawara 【瓦】レベル3
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Kawahara 【河原】レベル6
About 41,400
are variants.

Kawara 【川良】レベル4
About 800

Kawara 【川原】レベル6
About 56,400
, Kawara 【川良】レベル4
About 800
are referenced.


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