Etymology and distribution of 出村.

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出村(でむら / いずむら / いでむら)さんの由来と分布



Demura 【出村】レベル5
About 5,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Miyazaki-ken Nobeoka-shi · Oosaka-fu · Hokkaidou . Terrain . 櫨林 of 櫨林 . Miyazaki-ken Nobeoka-shi Distributed in Shimaura Town.

2022年 1月 29日 更新

Izumura 【出村】レベル5
About 5,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hiroshima-ken , Oosaka-fu , Nagano-ken . Hiroshima-ken Jinseki-gun Jinsekikougen-chou Nagano, Nagano-ken Kiso-gun Outaki-mura Distributed in Noguchi.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Idemura 【出村】レベル5
About 5,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Fukuoka-ken Fukuoka-shi Eastern District, Kagoshima-ken . Terrain . From the new forest. Kagoshima-ken Ibusuki-shi From the forest gate of the gate division system that was in the Edo era in the west way. There surname. Hayashi reference. Fukuoka-ken Fukuoka-shi Hata- ku Nagata is headquartered. I tell him that he had been engaged in the shipping industry since coming from 1688 to 1704 (Genroku year). There is also a story that he came from Kagoshima-ken for the defense of Genji who was in the same place in 1274 (11th year of Bunbunaga) · 1281 (4th year of Hiroshi). Fukuoka-ken Noogata-shi Imabayu in Nakaizumi is a place name with a record since the Edo period. Kyouto - fu Nantan - shi Sonobechi (Old: Imabayashi) Town is a place name with a record since the Heian period. Kyouto-fu Funai-gun Kyoutanba-chou In Ono tells that he was engaged in agriculture and forestry. Estimated in the Edo period.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Ishikawa-ken(About 1,400)
2 Hokkaidou(About 900)
3 Toyama-ken(About 400)
4 Fukui-ken(About 300)
5 Toukyou-to(About 300)
6 Oosaka-fu(About 300)
7 Kanagawa-ken(About 200)
8 Saitama-ken(About 130)
9 Ibaraki-ken(About 100)
10 Aichi-ken(About 90)
PopulationAbout 5,000
Rank by city
1 Kanazawa-shi(About 400)
2 Nanao-shi(About 200)
3 Fukui-shi(About 130)
4 Kaga-shi(About 120)
5 Wajima-shi(About 110)
5 Takaoka-shi(About 110)
7 Hakusan-shi(About 90)
8 Tonami-shi(About 70)
9 Toyama-shi(About 70)
9 Housu-gun Noto-chou(About 70)
Rank by subregion
1 石川県 七尾市 舟尾(About 60)
2 富山県 砺波市 小杉(About 50)
3 石川県 鳳珠郡能登町 笹川(About 30)
4 石川県 金沢市 諸江町下(About 30)
4 福井県 大野市 中据(About 30)
4 鹿児島県 大島郡与論町 立長(About 30)
7 奈良県 御所市 柳原(About 20)
7 富山県 南砺市 才川七(About 20)
7 岐阜県 本巣市 屋井(About 20)
7 福井県 三方郡美浜町 日向(About 20)


If you know the etymology of 出村, please give us information!

Similar names:

Izumura 【泉村】レベル3
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, Izumura 【伊豆村】レベル2
About 30
, Idemura 【井出村】レベル2
About 30
, Demura 【出邑】レベル2
About 30


Demura 【出邑】レベル2
About 30
are variants.

Idemura 【井出村】レベル2
About 30

Izumura 【出村】レベル5
About 5,000
, Idemura 【出村】レベル5
About 5,000
, Idemura 【井出村】レベル2
About 30
are referenced.


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