Niboshi 【二星】レベル4
About 700
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kumamoto-ken Ashikita-gun Ashikita-machi . Thing . Kumamoto-ken Ashikita-gun Ashikita-machi tells me that Meiji new family name by Maka "Ma" is pulled out by the horse.
2022年 2月 13日 更新
Nihoshi 【二星】レベル4
About 700
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Hiroshima-ken Fukuyama-shi , Kagawa-ken Nakatado-gun Man'nou-chou · Iwate-ken Kunohe-gun Karumai-machi . There is a surname including "between". "Ga" is a favorable character.
2020年 9月 5日 更新
Futahoshi 【二星】レベル4
About 700
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Toukyou-to . Terrain . From Yuzu and Sawa. Toukyou-to Nishitama-gun Okutama-machi There is distribution in Otaniwa.
2020年 10月 25日 更新
Futaboshi 【二星】レベル4
About 700
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Toukyou-to Oume-shi . Terrain . Heterogeneity of 柚木沢 . Toukyou-to Oume-shi Distributed in Masuoka Town.
2017年 10月 15日 更新