Shimokuri 【下栗】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Ehime-ken , Oosaka-fu . 高野 surname available. Ehime-ken Imabari-shi Onishi-cho Miyawaki is a place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place. 高野 reference.
2025年 2月 8日 更新
Shitakuri 【下栗】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Toukyou-to · Chiba-ken . Thing . A variant of 曽我石 .
2018年 9月 10日 更新
Shimoguri 【下栗】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Chiba-ken Kashiwa-shi . Hiroshima-ken Shoubara-shi Originated in Takano-cho Shinchi (formerly Koyasan). The place name that we called "Taga mountain" during the Warring States Period. The place name is said to originate from Taga and Mr. Yamanouchi called "Taga Yamauchi", "Tagayama". 山内 reference. Chiba-ken Kashiwa-shi is based in Kashiwa. Tell them that they are groundbreaking in the same place. Wakayama-ken Ito-gun There is "Koyasan (Koyasan)" in the mountain names of the mountains of Kouya-chou .
2020年 5月 3日 更新