Etymology and distribution of 七原.

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七原(ななはら / しちはら)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Nanahara 【七原】レベル4
About 700
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Mie-ken , Kagoshima-ken , Oosaka-fu .

Topography . From wide forest. Mie-ken Kameyama-shi Shiraki-cho is based. Distributed in Hiroshima-ken . Hiroshima-ken Hiroshima-shi Naka-ku Kamamachi was in the Edo period in the Hiroshima samurai of the Clan office.

Kagoshima-ken Ibusuki-shi Originated from Hirofumi no Omori in Hiroshima. There was a wide forest gate of the gate division system in the Edo period in the same place.

2021年 11月 3日 更新

Shichihara 【七原】レベル4
About 700
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hokkaidou , Yamagata-ken , Niigata-ken . Distribution including kiyono as well.

Convention . Abbreviation of Kiyohara (Kiyohara). "Sei" which is the abbreviation for Kiyohara and "Wild" for "Part" of the particle. Yamagata-ken Tsuruoka-shi Baba-cho was in the Edo era in the Shonai Shrine in the Clan office. 清原 Kiyohara reference.

Nagano-ken Nagano-shi Originated from Miyoshiroki Kino (Kiyono). A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

Kagoshima-ken Minamisatsuma-shi From Kiyono gate in the Katsuida Tsukushi in the Edo period.

Korea type . Originated in Cheongju city, North Chungcheong Province, Republic of Korea. Using Cheongju's "Qing". There is a record of naturalization on Toukyou-to Shibuya-ku on October 5, 1956. The real name is Korea. Kan reference.

Aomori-ken Hirosaki-shi Kiyonobukuro is a place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.

Baekje system ※. In 761 (Tenpyo Treasure 5 years) there is a record of the family name of Seino (Kiyono).

2018年 11月 29日 更新

If you know the etymology of 七原, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Aichi-ken(About 400)
2 Tochigi-ken(About 110)
3 Shizuoka-ken(About 40)
4 Oosaka-fu(About 30)
5 Hokkaidou(About 30)
6 Chiba-ken(About 30)
7 Toukyou-to(About 20)
8 Gunma-ken(About 10)
8 Kanagawa-ken(About 10)
8 Ishikawa-ken(About 10)
PopulationAbout 700
Rank by city
1 Kitashitara-gun Shitara-chou(About 100)
2 Toyohashi-shi(About 90)
3 Oyama-shi(About 50)
4 Toyokawa-shi(About 40)
5 Shinshiro-shi(About 30)
6 Ashikaga-shi(About 30)
7 Utsunomiya-shi(About 20)
8 Hamamatsu-shi(About 20)
8 Okazaki-shi(About 20)
10 Kanazawa-shi(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 栃木県 小山市 城東(About 30)
2 愛知県 北設楽郡設楽町 清崎町浦(About 20)
2 愛知県 北設楽郡設楽町 清崎小野(About 20)
4 愛知県 北設楽郡設楽町 清崎柿木貝津(About 10)
5 愛知県 北設楽郡設楽町 田内ナガセ(About 10)
5 愛知県 北設楽郡設楽町 田峯西貝津(About 10)
5 愛知県 北設楽郡設楽町 清崎上原(About 10)
5 静岡県 浜松市 萩丘(About 10)
5 大阪府 四條畷市 江瀬美町(About 10)
5 愛知県 新城市 豊栄(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Kitashitara-gun Shitara-chou

Similar names:

Nanahara 【七々原】レベル1
Very rare


Nanahara 【七々原】レベル1
Very rare
are variants.

Shichihara 【七原】レベル4
About 700
are referenced.


max: 236 / 月