Takazaru 【高猿】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kagoshima-ken , Miyazaki-ken . Good neighbor . Kagoshima-ken Satsuma-gun Satsuma-chou Origin of Takiyoshi. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period. Genji's descendant is pronouncing Oosaki, also known as Ohmae (Okuma) last name, and tells Nada that he named the Tokiyoshi and also called the Tokyoshi family name. Kagoshima-ken Kagoshima-shi Destroyed on July 7th in 1784 (Tenmei 4th year) because Shiroyama Town was opposed to Mr. Shimazu of the Kagoshima lord of the clan office. 源 reference. 大前 reference.
2020年 8月 1日 更新