Etymology and distribution of 藤樹.

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Fujiki 【藤樹】レベル3
About 70
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kumamoto-ken , Fukuoka-ken , Oosaka-fu .

Topography . From the original field. Kumamoto-ken Kumamoto-shi Chuo-ku Honmaru was a Kumamoto samurai of the clan office, Fukuoka-ken Kurume-shi Sasayama town was in the Edo period in the Kurume clan of the clan office. Kumamoto-ken Hitoyoshi-shi In Tano Town tell me that Meiji Shin surname . Ishikawa-ken Nomi-shi Kurashige cho say that he was engaged in agriculture at the top. Estimated in the Edo period.

Topography . Add "Da" to the former surname of Amagi archipelago of Kagoshima-ken . Estimated at the time of returning to Japan in 1953. In Kamoshima-ken 's Amami Oshima there is a belief that the rename was made at the time of recreating the family register after the office became a fire. Hajime reference.

Topography . Kagoshima-ken Minamisatsuma-shi From Kotonada Takeda from former Hitoda gate in the Edo period. The gate name comes from the original field. The day is estimated from the sun.

Gifu-ken Hida-shi Originated from Kawai Machi Motoda (Genda). A place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.

Korea type . Terrain . Add "Da" to the original. There is a record of naturalization on Nagano-ken Matsumoto-shi on May 6, 1955. The real name is original. Hajime reference.

2019年 10月 15日 更新

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Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Toukyou-to(About 20)
2 Shiga-ken(About 10)
2 Saitama-ken(About 10)
4 Oosaka-fu(About 10)
5 Nagano-ken(Very rare)
5 Nagasaki-ken(Very rare)
5 Fukushima-ken(Very rare)
5 Fukuoka-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 70
Rank by city
1 Ootsu-shi(About 10)
1 Taitou-ku(About 10)
1 Ibaraki-shi(About 10)
1 Saitama-shi Sakura-ku(About 10)
5 Aidzuwakamatsu-shi(Very rare)
5 Fukuoka-shi Jounan-ku(Very rare)
5 Takashima-shi(Very rare)
5 Nagasaki-shi(Very rare)
5 Katsushika-ku(Very rare)
5 Arakawa-ku(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 東京都 台東区 浅草(About 10)
1 埼玉県 さいたま市桜区 白鍬(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

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About 80
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About 50
, Fushiki 【節木】レベル1
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, Fushigi 【伏木】レベル5
About 2,900
, Fujiki 【藤木】レベル6
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, Fujiki 【藤城】レベル5
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, Fujiki 【藤来】レベル3
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, Fujiki 【藤記】レベル3
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, Fujiki 【冨士木】レベル3
About 70
, Fujiki 【藤鬼】レベル2
About 30
, Fujiki 【藤喜】レベル2
About 20
, Fujiki 【不二樹】レベル2
About 20
, Fujiki 【富士木】レベル2
About 10
, Fujiki 【不二木】レベル1
Very rare


max: 62 / 月