Etymology and distribution of 簱野.

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Hatano 【簱野】レベル1
Very rare
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kagoshima-ken , Miyazaki-ken . Thing . From "pong" of pine and favorites. Kagoshima - ken Kimotsuki - gun Higashikoshira - chou From the Matsushimon gate of the gate division system which was in the Shinkawa west in the Edo period.

Kagoshima-ken Kimotsuki-gun Higashikushira-chou Kawashita is also a place of comparison of Matsushimon gate. It is based in the same place.

※ In Yamaguchi-ken Eastern area (formerly Shogaku), tell him that Mr. Fujiwara's descendant was called. Estimated Muromachi era. 藤原 Fujiwara reference.

2022年 9月 4日 更新

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