Kawaike 【河池】レベル3
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kagoshima-ken , Fukuoka-ken , Oosaka-fu .
① Miyazaki-ken Nichinan-shi Origin of Kusuhara (Kusubaru). A place name with a record since the Edo period. Miyazaki-ken Nichinan-shi飫 肥 was in the Edo era to the Songhua clan of the clan office.
② Good neighbor . Nara-ken Kashihara-shi Originated from Kusuhara which was called Kashihara Jingu around Kume-machi. Nara - ken Kashihara - shi In Okubo town, from the imperial tribe in accordance with Emperor Jinmu period Jomon period comes from Miyazaki - ken and told that it became a tomb protection.
③ Kagoshima-ken Minamikyuushuu-shi Birth of Kawabe-cho Nozaki Kusuhara. It is distributed in the same place.
④ Kagoshima-ken Kanoya-shi Originated from Kusuhara in Ueido river town. There was Kusuhara gate in the same place in the Edo period as a gate division system.
⑤ Topography . From Kusunoki and Hara. Kagoshima-ken Satsuma- chun Satsuma-chou From the Kusuhara gate in the Nakatsugawa gateway system that was in the Edo period. Good neighbor . Fukuoka-ken Itoshima-shi has a distribution over night.
⑥ Korean type . Terrain . "Hara" is added to "Kusunoki" including Song. There is a record on Aichi-ken Toyoake-shi on November 7, 1986. The real name is Song. 宋 reference.