Hayashino 【林能】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Toukyou-to , Niigata-ken , Hiroshima-ken .
① Convention . Abbreviation for Shingu. After the descendants of Genjiaga (aka Shingomiya) who is a warrior of the Heian period came to Niigata-ken Agano-shi and called the palace surname, we moved to Niigata-ken Nagaoka-shi Higashi Kawaguchi · Nishikawuchi and moved to Toukyou-to Tell him that. 新宮 reference.
② things . From the shrine. Okayama-ken Okayama-shi There was a case that the priest of Kibitsu shrine in Kita-ku Ichinomiya called. Unknown times. From the Miya mansion of the gate division system which was in the Edo period. Example of the position of the mansion. Kagoshima-ken Satsumasendai-shi Shimoguchi Nagahama, Kagoshima-ken Ichikikushikino-shi Hashima. Kagoshima-ken Satsumasendai-shi In Shimoguchi Nagahama, let's say that the house name is from the Shimizu Shrine of the same place.
※ Gifu-ken Fuwa-gun has a record of Miyakatsu's surname in 702 (Taiho 2nd year).
③ Convention . Abbreviation of Utsunomiya. In Iwate-ken Morioka-shi Iwate-ken Ninohe-shi tell him that he abbreviated Utsunomiya surname in the Edo era at the stone. 宇都宮 reference.
④ Personal name . Iwate - ken Isawa - gun Kanegasaki - chou Tanjirijiri , Iwate - ken In Toono - shi tells that descendant Mr. Asanuma called from the daughter Fujiwara Miyako who is the principal of the Asuka and Nara periods. 藤原 reference. 阿曽沼 reference.
⑤ Personal name . In Yamaguchi-ken tells the descendents from Ono Palace of Konen Fujiwara who is the principal of the Heian era. 藤原 reference.
⑥ Originated from Toyama-ken Oyabe-shi near name Falls (formerly Miyajima Yasushi). A place name with a record since the Kamakura period. I used "Miyajima" Palace. Toyama-ken Tradition in Oyabe-shi .