Etymology and distribution of 応儀.

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Ougi 【応儀】レベル2
About 20
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamaguchi-ken , Kouchi-ken , Oosaka-fu .

Topography . From Oka and the village. Tokushima-ken Mima-gun Tsurugi-chou Sadako Noriko Tani · Nishiko Valley tells Meiji New surname in the north.

② Birth of Nagano-ken Ueda- shioka (formerly Okamura). A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Origin of Okamura, Isogo-ku. The place name which we called "Okado" in the Warring States Period. It is distributed in the same place.

④ Originated from Shiga-ken Moriyama-shi Oka - cho (formerly Okamura). A place name with a record since the Edo period. Oosaka-fu Higashioosaka-shi There is a tradition in middle Osaka.

Fukushima-ken Date-shi Originated near Nagaoka (formerly Okamura). A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Kagoshima-ken Minamikyuushuu-shi Born in Okamura, Beppu Beppu. It is distributed in the same place.

Good neighbor . Yamaguchi-ken Shuunan-shi Born of Toda Okamura. I will tell you that Meiji New Last name in the same place.

Korea system . Originated in North Korea's People's Republic of Korea, Longgang County. "Oka" and "Village" are used because Mr. Ro's founder was found in Tsuzi village in Tatsuoka. There is a record of naturalization on Nagano-ken Suwa-shi on March 8, 1980. The real name is Roh. Ro reference.

Sina series . Terrain . Add "Village" to synonym "Oka" of Du. There is a record of naturalization on Toukyou-to Itabashi-ku on August 11, 1983. The real name is Du. Kyuu reference.

2022年 11月 29日 更新

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Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル2 1 Shimane-ken(About 10)
2 Tottori-ken(Very rare)
2 Okayama-ken(Very rare)
2 Hyougo-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 20
RankingOut of ranking
Rank by city
1 Goutsu-shi(About 10)
2 Yonago-shi(Very rare)
2 Okayama-shi(Very rare)
2 Koube-shi Chuuou-ku(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 島根県 江津市 市山(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

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, Ougi 【黄木】レベル4
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