Horinodan 【堀之段】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Gunma-ken Maebashi-shi . Personal name . From Saitama-ken Fukaya-shi Okabe's base for the Heian period · Kamakura period warrior, Okabe Tadashi alias another name from Six. 岡部 reference. Gunma-ken Maebashi-shi The shrine of Ninomiya Akagi Shrine in Ninomiya Town is called. It was the shrine of the company in the Edo period.
※ Gunma-ken Maebashi-shi Otemachi is the Maebashi clan of the clan office, Gunma-ken Isesaki-shi Curved town was the notation of "Ikusaki Shrine " in the Edo period in the Edo Period. It is unknown whether Rokidan exists.
2018年 11月 17日 更新