Etymology and distribution of 刈間.

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Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Karima 【刈間】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kagoshima-ken , Toyama-ken , Oosaka-fu . Distribution including also Kyuden.

Kagoshima-ken Akune-shi Originated from Kyoda in Wakimoto's small character.

Kagoshima-ken Ibusuki-shi Birth origin of Ten-cho Kyoda (Kyoden). There was a Kyota gate in the same area in the Edo period as a system of dividing a village.

Topography . Kagoshima-ken Aira-shi From the Kyoda gate of the gate division system that was in Funatsu during the Edo period. The gate name is from the rice. Kyo is a land that flourished like the capital in the estimation. Kagoshima-ken Aira-shi There is Kyodahara (Kyodenbaru) in a small figure of Hiramatsu.

Toyama-ken Takaoka-shi Originated in Kyoda (Kyoden). A place name with a record since the Edo period. My last name is also Kyoden. Toyama-ken Toyama-shi Honmaru was in the Edo period in the clan of Toyama of the Clan office.

Mie-ken Minamimuro-gun Kihou-chou Originated from Kyota (Kyota), a small figure in Seto. In Kyouto-fu Kyouto-shi in the same town he tells that the warrior came to the warring country and came back home.

Good neighbor . Originated from Kyouto-fu Kyouto-shi (old: Heiankyo). A place name with a record since the Heian period. Nara-ken Nara-shi Meiji New surname using "Kyo" from Kyoya's shop name in Higashi Nozaka Town.

2022年 8月 14日 更新

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Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Nagano-ken(About 200)
2 Toukyou-to(About 40)
3 Nagasaki-ken(About 20)
4 Fukuoka-ken(About 10)
4 Kanagawa-ken(About 10)
4 Chiba-ken(About 10)
7 Yamaguchi-ken(About 10)
7 Saitama-ken(About 10)
9 Miyagi-ken(Very rare)
9 Saga-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 300
Rank by city
1 Higashichikuma-gun Omi-mura(About 50)
2 Nagano-shi(About 30)
2 Shiojiri-shi(About 30)
4 Matsumoto-shi(About 20)
5 Kitaadzumi-gun Ikeda-machi(About 10)
5 Okaya-shi(About 10)
5 Machida-shi(About 10)
5 Iki-shi(About 10)
9 Iwakuni-shi(About 10)
9 Komagane-shi(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 長野県 東筑摩郡麻績村 麻上町(About 30)
2 長崎県 壱岐市 長峰本村触(About 10)
3 長野県 長野市 若穂綿内(About 10)
3 山口県 岩国市 南岩国町(About 10)
3 長野県 東筑摩郡麻績村 麻(About 10)
3 長野県 松本市 島内(About 10)
3 長野県 北安曇郡池田町 池田(About 10)
3 長野県 駒ヶ根市 北町(About 10)
3 東京都 町田市 玉川学園(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Higashichikuma-gun Omi-mura , Kitaadzumi-gun Ikeda-machi


max: 168 / 月