Etymology and distribution of バティヴァカロロ.

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Bativu~akaroro* 【バティヴァカロロ】レベル1
Very rare
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Fukuoka-ken , Saga-ken , Okayama-ken .

Saga-ken Miyaki-gun Miyaki-chou Birth of Matsueda Higashi. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period. Saga-ken Saga-shi The inside of the castle was in the Edo period in the Saga Samurai of the Clan office. Okayama-ken Kasaoka-shi It was in Edo period on Nishi Oshima. Tell him that Hyougo - ken Tatsuno - shi is out there. In Iwate-ken Oushuu-shi Mizusawa tells me that it is near Hiroshima-ken .

things . From the pine branches. From the Matsuki gate in the gate division system that was in the Edo period. An example of the location of the gate. Kagoshima-ken Minamisatsuma-shi Kinomine-cho Miyazaki, Kagoshima-ken Kirishima-shi Kokubu Toyohana Town.

Miyagi - ken Sendai - shi Aoba Ward Kawauchi was in the Edo era in the Sendai clan of the Clan office. The same clan says that the vassal of Hinode Matsunaga, a warrior of warring States era, changed from the name Iwai surname, which was called by Nara-ken Yoshino-gun Yoshino-chou . There is "pine" in Matsunaga. 松永 Matsunaga reference. 大室 Oomuro reference. 岩井 Iwai reference.

Convention . It stands for Mimatsu. In Iwate - ken Morioka - shi , Iwate - ken Morioka - shi Uchimaru used Mino Morioka 's Morioka as the lord of the Morioka lord, 1850 Tell him that he changed the name "Pine" leaving behind. 美松 Mimatsu reference.

Aichi-ken Ichinomiya-shi near Kisogawa-cho (formerly Matsuke- soo) is a place name recorded in the Kamakura period and Muromachi period.

2024年 4月 19日 更新

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