Etymology and distribution of デュウフ.

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De~yuufu* 【デュウフ】レベル1
Very rare
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hiroshima-ken , Ehime-ken , Mie-ken .

① Originated from Nagano-ken (formerly Shinano). In the Asuka period there is a place name recorded with the notation "Genji". "Mr. Fujiwara of Shinano" means. Ehime-ken Shikokuchuuou-shi In the town of Samukawa told that he came from Nagano-ken 's Suwa at the end of 1593 (Tensho year) from 1573.

Creation . Variant of 進藤 . Ehime-ken Shikokuchuuou-shi In Kanedacho ginkawa, tell him that it was renamed from Shindo surname in about 1688 (Yuanroku first year). 進藤 Shindou reference.

Mie-ken Tsu-shi In Honjo Onoge-cho, he says that in the southern part of Gifu-ken (Old: Mino country) he was the vassal of Nobunaga Oda, the warrior of the Warring States and Azuchi-Momoyama period, referring to Sato surname. Nobunaga's name has "belief". There is also a story that the same residence came to 1562 (Eiroku 5 years). Mie-ken Tsu-shi In Kai Motomachi tells that it changed from Sato surname in 1596 to 1615 (Keicho year). 佐藤 Satou reference.

2024年 6月 1日 更新

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