Etymology and distribution of ダドラニ.

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Dadorani* 【ダドラニ】レベル1
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  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Saitama-ken , Toukyou-to , Oosaka-fu .

Nara-ken Tenri-shi Originated from Toyota-cho. A place name with a record since the Muromachi period.

② Originated from Toyota (Toyota) town of Yamaguchi-ken Shimonoseki-shi . As the county name is a place name with a record since the Heian period.

Kanagawa-ken Hiratsuka-shi Originated around Toyoda Hongo (formerly Toyoda-so). A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Ibaraki-ken Jousou-shi Born Toyoda. A place name with a record since the Heian period.

⑤ Originated from Shizuoka-ken Iwata-shi (formerly Toyota-gun). A place name with a record since the Heian period.

Shimane-ken Masuda-shi Originated from Yokota-cho (formerly Toyoda). A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Kumamoto-ken Kumamoto-shi Originated from Tsukahara, Shonanamachi Minami-ku (formerly Toyota). A place name with a record since the Heian period.

⑧ Originated from Ishikawa-ken Kanazawa-shi Sakurada Town (formerly Toyota (Toita)). A place name with a record since the Kamakura period. The place name was also written as "door plate". Ishikawa-ken Nanao-shi Nakajima-cho Toyota (Toyota) town is a stopover. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period. Tell the place name Mr. Toyoda named.

Okayama-ken Originated from Katsuta-gun Nagi-chou Toyosawa (formerly Toyota (Toyota)). Place name with a record since the North / South morning era.

⑩ Origin of Hiroshima-ken Toyota (Toyota) County. A place name with a record since the Heian period.

Ibaraki-ken Kitaibaraki-shi Born of Isohara - cho Toyoda. A place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.

Topography . Gunma-ken Agatsuma-gun Naganohara-machi In the side wall saying that it was called from the Edo period in the sense of "rich fields". Kagoshima-ken Aira-shi From Toyoda Gate of the gate division system which was in the Edo period in Higashi - gingoda. Good neighbor . Kumamoto-ken Yamaga-shi Kamoto-cho citizen is based. Good neighbor . Wakayama-ken Kinokawa-shi Meiji New surname in the fame market.

Topography . Added "rice" to Kagoshima-ken 's Amami archipelago first letter surname Yutaka. Kagoshima-ken Ooshima-gun Kikai-chou There is a tradition in Sakane . Estimated at the time of returning to Japan in 1953. Yutaka reference.

Korea type . There is a record of naturalization on Hokkaidou Bibai-shi on November 24, 1955. The real name is money. Kon reference. There is also another name.

Baekje system ※. In the year 761 (Tenpyo Treasure 5 years) there was a case of giving Toyoda's surname.

2024年 7月 7日 更新

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