Etymology and distribution of スキナア.

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Sukinaa* 【スキナア】レベル1
Very rare
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kouchi-ken , Mie-ken , Oosaka-fu .

Personal name . Oosaka-fu Sen'nan-shi The second Prince of the Emperor Konoe (Congo) who is the Emperor of the Heian era in the Terai era gave the "near" of Emperor Konoe at Kouchi-ken Takaoka-gun Sakawa-chou Hongko-chou Hongo (Ogawa) Tell them that you used it. Estimated from tradition before the Sengoku period. Mie - ken Tsu - shi It was in the Edo era at Tanzenji Temple in Anji Town. Good neighbor . Kouchi-ken Kouchi-shi Haruno cho Hirooka - ku, Kouchi-ken Kouchi-shi Distributed in Nagahama.

Topography . Tochigi - ken Haga - gun Motegi - machi In Iino, the land near the Nakagawa river who lived after the castle of Kurikochi Castle where Iwakaki Masake Kusunoki was in Ibaraki - ken Naka - shi連 连 was expressed as " He told me that he called. 楠木 Kusunoki reference. It was in Shimane-ken Hamada-shi during the Edo period.

Kyouto-fu Kyoutango-shi Tango town near Takeno (formerly Ozawa ) is a place name recorded in the Muromachi period.

2025年 2月 20日 更新

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