Etymology and distribution of カリルノ.

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Kariruno* 【カリルノ】レベル1
Very rare
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Tochigi-ken Kawachi-gun Kaminokawa-machi , Wakayama-ken Kainan-shi , Ehime-ken Ochi-gun Kamijima-chou .

Ibaraki-ken Shimotsuma-shi whale birth. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Tochigi-ken Nikkou-shi The origin of the Kuji superi (whale) town. A place name with a record since the Edo period. The place name was written as "Kuji good", "Kuma Yoshi", "Kujiro" as well. Tochigi-ken Utsunomiya-shi Tokujiro tells that Mr. Kuji Mori has responded from Tochigi-ken Nikkou-shi to the Nara period. It is unknown whether Kyuba is existing.

things . From a mammalian animal whale. Wakayama-ken Kainan-shi Meiji New surname from a whale by a fisherman in Shimotsu-machi. There is a whale in the lower stake in the same place.

Ehime-ken Ochi-gun Kamijima-chou Birth of Yuge cutting Kumiura (Kujiura). In the Kamakura period the name of the place with a record of "whale".

2024年 12月 4日 更新

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