Erusamunī* 【エルサムニー】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Hiroshima-ken , Hokkaidou , Saitama-ken .
① Topography . From field. Oki is an example that means "back". Hiroshima - ken Hiroshima - shi Nakamachi base town was in the Edo era in the Hiroshima clan of the clan office, Fukui - ken Fukui - shi solder town, Toukyou - to Minato - ku Nishi Azabu. Gifu - ken Takayama - shi Tell her that she was engaged in agriculture and forestry in Okuhida Onsenkyo Kanzaka. Estimated in the Edo period. Good neighbor . Hiroshima-ken Miyoshi-shi Distributed in Awatoya Town.
② Hiroshima-ken Kure-shi birth originated from Okida (Kawajiri Town).
③ Kagoshima-ken Isa-shi Originated from the Okita (Okida) in Oguchi's Oshii Ochi. There was Okita gate of the gate division system in the Edo period in the same place.
④ Aomori - ken San'nohe - gun Nanbu - machi Origin of Okita - ken . A place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.
⑤ Nagasaki-ken Oomura-shi Origin of Okita-cho. A place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place.