Etymology and distribution of 菅尾.

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ネットの電話帳 住宅地図 マッポン!


Etymology Related Information provision


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Shizuoka-ken(About 200)
2 Mie-ken(About 200)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 130)
4 Hiroshima-ken(About 60)
4 Hyougo-ken(About 60)
6 Hokkaidou(About 50)
7 Toukyou-to(About 30)
8 Kanagawa-ken(About 30)
8 Nara-ken(About 30)
10 Kumamoto-ken(About 20)
PopulationAbout 1,000
Rank by city
1 Tsu-shi(About 110)
2 Izu-shi(About 90)
3 Numadzu-shi(About 50)
3 Higashioosaka-shi(About 50)
5 Nabari-shi(About 40)
5 Izunokuni-shi(About 40)
7 Himeji-shi(About 30)
8 Mishima-shi(About 30)
9 Aki-gun Kumano-chou(About 20)
10 Yao-shi(About 20)
Rank by subregion
1 静岡県 伊豆市 熊坂(About 80)
2 三重県 津市 竹原(About 50)
3 大阪府 東大阪市 下六万寺町(About 40)
4 広島県 安芸郡熊野町 平谷(About 20)
5 神奈川県 鎌倉市 大町(About 10)
5 奈良県 御所市 小林(About 10)
5 静岡県 伊豆の国市 田京(About 10)
5 兵庫県 姫路市 青山西(About 10)
5 三重県 名張市 夏見(About 10)
5 愛媛県 西予市 蔵貫浦(About 10)

Distributions of ratios

Distributions of ratios by prefecture
Distributions of ratios by city
Distributions of ratios by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
Ratios0.00078% 1 Mie-ken(0.0081%)
2 Shizuoka-ken(0.0061%)
3 Hiroshima-ken(0.00202%)
4 Oosaka-fu(0.00179%)
5 Nara-ken(0.00178%)
6 Hyougo-ken(0.00115%)
7 Kumamoto-ken(0.000913%)
8 Akita-ken(0.000899%)
9 Hokkaidou(0.000838%)
10 Kagawa-ken(0.000764%)
Rank by city
1 Izu-shi(0.191%)
2 Aso-gun Oguni-machi(0.0842%)
3 Izunokuni-shi(0.0788%)
4 Aki-gun Kumano-chou(0.0737%)
5 Nabari-shi(0.0528%)
6 Gose-shi(0.0439%)
7 Tsu-shi(0.0383%)
8 Aki-gun Kaita-chou(0.0317%)
9 Chiyoda-ku(0.0307%)
10 Tokachishi-chou Shimizu-chou(0.0288%)
Rank by subregion
1 三重県 津市 竹原(4.12% / About 50)
2 静岡県 伊豆市 熊坂(3.26% / About 80)
3 大阪府 東大阪市 下六万寺町(2.07% / About 40)
4 広島県 安芸郡熊野町 平谷(1.44% / About 20)

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