Etymology and distribution of 福庭.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

ネットの電話帳 住宅地図 マッポン!



Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Shimane-ken(About 200)
2 Hiroshima-ken(About 70)
3 Tottori-ken(About 60)
4 Aichi-ken(About 30)
5 Kyouto-fu(About 20)
6 Kanagawa-ken(About 10)
6 Toukyou-to(About 10)
6 Gifu-ken(About 10)
6 Oosaka-fu(About 10)
10 Chiba-ken(About 10)
PopulationAbout 500
Rank by city
1 Matsue-shi(About 110)
2 Izumo-shi(About 70)
3 Un'nan-shi(About 20)
4 Touhaku-gun Hokuei-chou(About 20)
4 Yonago-shi(About 20)
6 Miyoshi-shi(About 10)
6 Sera-gun Sera-chou(About 10)
6 Tottori-shi(About 10)
6 Hiroshima-shi Asakita-ku(About 10)
10 Yokohama-shi Sakae-ku(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 島根県 松江市 湯町(About 30)
1 島根県 松江市 玉造(About 30)
3 島根県 出雲市 久村(About 30)
4 島根県 松江市 大谷(About 20)
5 広島県 三次市 有原町(About 10)
6 島根県 松江市 外中原町(About 10)
6 北海道 帯広市 西十七条南(About 10)
6 島根県 出雲市 大池(About 10)
6 島根県 雲南市 松笠(About 10)
6 島根県 雲南市 新市(About 10)

Distributions of ratios

Distributions of ratios by prefecture
Distributions of ratios by city
Distributions of ratios by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
Ratios0.000408% 1 Shimane-ken(0.0227%)
2 Tottori-ken(0.00848%)
3 Hiroshima-ken(0.00245%)
4 Kyouto-fu(0.000665%)
5 Gifu-ken(0.000566%)
6 Saga-ken(0.000493%)
7 Aichi-ken(0.000471%)
8 Tokushima-ken(0.000468%)
9 Wakayama-ken(0.000342%)
10 Shiga-ken(0.000325%)
Rank by city
1 Touhaku-gun Hokuei-chou(0.0817%)
2 Matsue-shi(0.0496%)
3 Sera-gun Sera-chou(0.0456%)
4 Un'nan-shi(0.0379%)
5 Izumo-shi(0.0355%)
6 Saihaku-gun Houki-chou(0.028%)
7 Touhaku-gun Yurihama-chou(0.0197%)
8 Miyoshi-shi(0.0173%)
9 Ibi-gun Ikeda-chou(0.0158%)
10 Yonago-shi(0.0107%)
Rank by subregion
1 島根県 出雲市 久村(1.85% / About 30)
2 島根県 松江市 玉造(1.41% / About 30)
3 島根県 松江市 湯町(1.35% / About 30)

Notable cities

Touhaku-gun Hokuei-chou

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