Etymology and distribution of 幸本.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

ネットの電話帳 住宅地図 マッポン!



Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Hiroshima-ken(About 200)
2 Tottori-ken(About 90)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 60)
4 Kagoshima-ken(About 50)
5 Hyougo-ken(About 50)
6 Kanagawa-ken(About 30)
7 Toukyou-to(About 20)
7 Ehime-ken(About 20)
9 Okinawa-ken(About 20)
9 Yamaguchi-ken(About 20)
PopulationAbout 600
Rank by city
1 Hiroshima-shi Asaminami-ku(About 60)
2 Tottori-shi(About 30)
3 Hiroshima-shi Nishi-ku(About 30)
4 Sakai-shi(About 20)
5 Yazu-gun Yazu-chou(About 20)
5 Amagasaki-shi(About 20)
7 Mihara-shi(About 10)
7 Matsue-shi(About 10)
7 Kagoshima-shi(About 10)
7 Kurayoshi-shi(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 広島県 広島市安佐南区 長束(About 30)
2 鳥取県 八頭郡八頭町 皆原(About 20)
3 大阪府 堺市 東雲西町(About 10)
4 鹿児島県 霧島市 広瀬(About 10)
4 鹿児島県 大島郡宇検村 名柄(About 10)
4 愛媛県 越智郡上島町 岩城(About 10)
4 鳥取県 鳥取市 酒津(About 10)
4 鳥取県 鳥取市 吉方温泉(About 10)
4 鳥取県 倉吉市 上古川(About 10)
4 千葉県 松戸市 古ケ崎(About 10)

Distributions of ratios

Distributions of ratios by prefecture
Distributions of ratios by city
Distributions of ratios by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
Ratios0.000482% 1 Tottori-ken(0.0121%)
2 Hiroshima-ken(0.00505%)
3 Kagoshima-ken(0.00244%)
4 Okinawa-ken(0.00159%)
5 Shimane-ken(0.00139%)
6 Ehime-ken(0.00123%)
7 Yamaguchi-ken(0.000955%)
8 Hyougo-ken(0.000903%)
9 Oosaka-fu(0.000749%)
10 Kumamoto-ken(0.000456%)
Rank by city
1 Ooshima-gun Uken-son(0.238%)
2 Yaeyama-gun Taketomi-chou(0.0899%)
3 Yazu-gun Yazu-chou(0.0732%)
4 Yazu-gun Wakasa-chou(0.0634%)
5 Ochi-gun Kamijima-chou(0.0588%)
6 Yazu-gun Chidzu-chou(0.0343%)
7 Hiroshima-shi Asaminami-ku(0.0328%)
8 Saihaku-gun Nanbu-chou(0.0288%)
9 Saihaku-gun Houki-chou(0.028%)
10 Ooshima-gun Setouchi-chou(0.0252%)
Rank by subregion
1 広島県 広島市安佐南区 長束(0.451% / About 30)

Notable cities

Ooshima-gun Uken-son , Ochi-gun Kamijima-chou , Yaeyama-gun Taketomi-chou , Yazu-gun Yazu-chou , Yazu-gun Wakasa-chou

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