Etymology and distribution of 上内.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

ネットの電話帳 住宅地図 マッポン!



Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル4 1 Hyougo-ken(About 200)
2 Oosaka-fu(About 80)
3 Hiroshima-ken(About 70)
4 Nara-ken(About 70)
5 Kagoshima-ken(About 60)
6 Kumamoto-ken(About 50)
7 Ishikawa-ken(About 30)
8 Nagano-ken(About 30)
8 Kanagawa-ken(About 30)
10 Fukui-ken(About 20)
PopulationAbout 800
Rank by city
1 Hioki-shi(About 30)
1 Kumamoto-shi(About 30)
3 Kure-shi(About 30)
3 Matsumoto-shi(About 30)
3 Sanda-shi(About 30)
3 Shisou-shi(About 30)
7 Suita-shi(About 30)
7 Kakogawa-shi(About 30)
9 Komatsu-shi(About 20)
9 Kagoshima-shi(About 20)
Rank by subregion
1 鹿児島県 日置市 吉利(About 30)
2 熊本県 熊本市 広住(About 30)
2 長野県 松本市 里山辺下金井(About 30)
4 兵庫県 宍粟市 大沢(About 20)
5 兵庫県 たつの市 香山(About 10)
5 兵庫県 三田市 北浦(About 10)
7 石川県 小松市 大杉町寅(About 10)
7 石川県 小松市 大領町(About 10)
7 兵庫県 神戸市須磨区 東白川台(About 10)
7 兵庫県 加古川市 加古川町粟津(About 10)

Distributions of ratios

Distributions of ratios by prefecture
Distributions of ratios by city
Distributions of ratios by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
Ratios0.000631% 1 Nara-ken(0.00475%)
2 Hyougo-ken(0.00369%)
3 Kagoshima-ken(0.00285%)
4 Kumamoto-ken(0.00274%)
5 Ishikawa-ken(0.00273%)
6 Hiroshima-ken(0.00245%)
7 Fukui-ken(0.00239%)
8 Kouchi-ken(0.00172%)
9 Nagano-ken(0.00115%)
10 Oosaka-fu(0.00109%)
Rank by city
1 Kanzaki-gun Fukusaki-chou(0.0809%)
2 Yoshino-gun Shimoichi-chou(0.074%)
3 Takaichi-gun Asuka-mura(0.0567%)
4 Shisou-shi(0.0519%)
5 Ikoma-gun Ando-chou(0.0495%)
6 Hioki-shi(0.0491%)
7 Sanda-shi(0.0353%)
8 Yamagata-gun Akioota-chou(0.0295%)
9 Tenri-shi(0.0282%)
10 Kuma-gun Asagiri-chou(0.0217%)
Rank by subregion
1 長野県 松本市 里山辺下金井(7.89% / About 30)
2 熊本県 熊本市 広住(2.03% / About 30)
3 鹿児島県 日置市 吉利(1.16% / About 30)

Notable cities

Takaichi-gun Asuka-mura , Yoshino-gun Shimoichi-chou , Kanzaki-gun Fukusaki-chou

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